How To Prep Texas Students for the Online Math STAAR Exam- Tutoring with Techy Tameka's #1 Stress-Free Strategy

Hello, parents! Today, Techy Tameka, founder of Tutoring with Techy Tameka LLC, is going to share her top stress-free strategy she teaches to all of her Tutor Techs when it comes to prepping or the STAAR exam. This strategy has been the key to helping their virtual students reach high scores on the exam as well as some even reaching mastery year after year. She'd have to right a book to share the secrets to conquering all of the subject areas, but if you want to help your child master all areas year after year, then enroll to get your child assigned a dedicated private Tutor Tech that will get them squared away! So, today she will specifically target how to effectively pass the Math STAAR exam with flying colors. Let's dive into this topic because we are aware test dates are approaching in the near months, and every day and every week matters on taking the proper approach to prepping students to achieve mastery.

The State of Texas Assessments of Academic Readiness, or STAAR, is an integral part of your child's academic journey. This standardized test is designed to evaluate students' understanding and mastery of essential skills in various subjects.

Of course, you may be wondering why does the STAAR exam still exist, especially with all of the chaos of COVID, and what role does it play in shaping educational outcomes during these unprecedented times?

Well, the STAAR exam serves several purposes. First and foremost, it helps assess the overall academic progress of students, providing educators and parents with valuable insights into areas of strength and areas that may need additional attention. The results also play a role in determining the effectiveness of educational programs and curricula.

As for the timing in 2024, the STAAR exam typically takes place annually in the spring. According to the Texas Education Agency's (TEA) Student Assessment Testing Calendar, the exam is planned to take place throughout April 9th-June 28th. In 2024, the exam dates may vary slightly depending on grade level and subject. (See calendar for exact grade level dates)

How to Navigate the STAAR Math Reference Material for Success

According to TEA (2023), the new redesigned STAAR "moves assessments online to provide robust accommodations for students with specific learning needs." TEA (2023) further explains how the shift to online administration enables students to receive accommodations similar to those provided in the traditional classroom setting, ensures quicker test result delivery, enhances overall test operations, and introduces the incorporation of new non-multiple-choice questions. Therefore, all students in 2024 will undergo online assessment, with the exception of those taking the STAAR Alternate 2 assessment and students necessitating accommodations that cannot be facilitated in an online format.

Though our learners may be testing on various subject matters: Reading Language Arts, Science, Social Studies, Biology, U. S. History, English, Mathematics, and Algebra I, this blog will target specifically the Math Reference Tools per grade level. For Reference tools for let's target the number one key testing strategy that can be drilled not only in the classroom, but conveniently at home.

Step 1: Visit TEA's STAAR Reference Materials (click Mathematics Resources > Additional Resources) and download the STAAR Reference Material relevant to your child's grade level.

Step 2: Continue reading what your child needs to target based on their grade level to ease through the Math STAAR.

Though this reference sheet is nothing new, this approach to test prep, may be new for many. It's a wonder why teachers don't provide this reference sheet throughout the school year during their Math class assessments. This would normalize how students don't need to memorize the formulas, or conversions, as this provided to them during the STAAR exam. So the more they can ease their minds and know this information is given, then they can gain confidence on actually learning how to use them rather than focusing on memorization.

This blog will provide a breakdown of the STAAR reference material per grade level, which is the most valuable piece of information parents and educators can provide as the best prep tool for learners grades 3-HS. As the dates get closer and closer, learners run out of time to drill concepts and new skills. It can only become overwhelming and stressful for such little minds. So, the best remedy to success during the exam, is teaching them how to properly utilize the tools that are already provided to them by the TEA, such as the online testing tools and the reference sheet provided to each grade level. Here you will learn exactly what each grade level need to know to fully navigate the reference material with ease and confidence.

Fundamental Foundations (Basic Arithmetic, Plae Value Mastery, Measurements, and Tackling Word Problems): (Grades 3-5)

  • Grade 3 Math

Reference material provides essential conversions for length (customary and metric), volume and
capacity, weight and mass, and time.
3rd graders will need to know how to find missing conversions for the unknown. Giving them
practice questions relating to conversions and missing conversions while having them use the
reference material. This will be extremely helpful in building their problem-solving confidence.
  • Grade 4 Math

Reference material provides essential conversions for lenth (customary and metric), volume and
capacity, weight and mass, and time in addition to providing the formulas for both perimeter and
area of a squares and rectangles.
4th graders will need to know how to find missing conversions for the unknown. They also need to
be familiar with understanding how squares have all equal sides and rectangles have opposite
parallel sides. Having students practice solving questions that include both conversions and applying
the formulas for both perimeter and area of squares and rectangles while using the reference
material. This will be extremely helpful in building their problem-solving confidence.
  • Grade 5 Math

Reference material provides essential conversions for length (customary and metric), volume and
capacity, and weight and mass in addition to providing the formulas for perimeter, area, as
well as volume of various objects.
5th graders will need to know how to find missing conversions for the unknown. They also need to
be familiar with understanding how squares have all equal sides and rectangles have opposite
parallel sides, as well as how 3D objects have volume that include terms such as either length by
width by height or base by height. Having students practice solving questions that include
conversions, applying the formulas for solving for perimeter and area of 2D objects and finding
volume of 3D objects while using the reference material. This will be extremely helpful in building
their problem-solving confidence.

Advanced Concepts and Problem-Solving (Ratios and Proportions, Equations and Inequalities, and Geometry Insights): (Grades 6-8)

  • Grade 6 Math
Reference material provides essential conversions for length (customary and metric), volume and
capacity, and weight and mass in addition providing the formulas for areas of triangles,
rectangles, parallelograms, and trapezoids. The reference sheet also provides the formula for
calculating volume relating to rectangular prisms.
6th graders will need to know how to find missing conversions for the unknown. They also need to
be familiar with understanding how to apply formulas for finding area and volume of various
objects with triangular, rectangular, and trapezoid/trapezium shapes while using the reference
material. This will be extremely helpful in building their problem-solving confidence.
  • Grade 7 Math
Reference material provides essential conversions for length (customary and metric), volume and
capacity, and weight and mass in addition to providing the formulas for areas of triangles,
rectangles, parallelograms, trapezoids, and circles. The reference sheet also provides the formula for
finding volume relating to all prisms, and pyramids, including circumference of circles. It also
provides linear equation formulas of finding both slope-intercepts and the constant of proportionality.
7th graders have a section that includes additional information of references such as the equivalency
of pi, and formulas for distance, simple interest, and compound interest.

7th graders will need to know how to find missing conversions for the unknown. They also need to
be familiar with understanding how to apply formulas for finding area and volume of various
objects with triangular, rectangular, trapezoid/trapezium shapes, and circles; circumference of circles;
volume of prisms and pyramids; slope-intercepts; constant of proportionality; distance; simple
interest and compound interest. This particular grade needs to fully practice solving problems
involving how to apply numbers within given formulas to effectively solve various arithmetic
problems that introduce to solve unknown parts within a formula similar to basic algebraic equations
as well as 2D and 3D geometric shapes while using the reference material. This will be extremely
helpful in building their problem-solving confidence.

  • Grade 8 Math

Reference material provides formulas for areas of triangles, rectangles, parallelograms, trapezoids,
and circles in addition to formulas for finding lateral and total surface areas of prisms and cylinders.
The reference sheet also provides the formula for finding volume relating to all prims, cylinders,
pyramids, cones, and spheres including circumference of circles. It also provides linear equation
formulas of finding both slope-intercepts and the constant of proportionality as well as the formula for
calculating the direct variant. 8th graders have a section that includes additional information of
references such the pythagorean theorem for finding missing sides of right triangles, as well as the
formulas for calculating simple interest and compound interest.

8th graders will need to be familiar with understanding how to apply formulas for finding area and
volume of various objects with triangular, rectangular, trapezoid/trapezium shapes, circles; surface
area of prisms and cylinders; circumference of circles; volume of prisms, pyramids, cones, and
spheres; slope-intercepts; direct variation; pythagorean theorem; simple interest and compound
interest. This particular grade needs to fully practice solving problems involving how to apply
numbers within given formulas to effectively solve various arithmetic problems that introduce to
solve unknown parts within a formula similar to basic algebraic equations as well as 2D and 3D
geometric shapes while using the reference material. This will be extremely helpful in building their
problem-solving confidence.

Bridging to High School - Algebra Skills (Linear Equations, Functions Overview, Graphing Techniques): (Grade HS)
  • Algebra I

Reference material provides formulas factoring perfect square trinomials and difference of squares. It
provides properties of exponent formulas involving various powers such as product, quotient, power
of a power, rational exponent, and negative exponent. It also provides linear equations of standard
form, slope-intercept form, point-intercept form, and slope of a line. Lastly, this reference sheet will
include quadratic equations for solving in various forms such as standard, vertex, quadratic, and axis
of symmetry.

Alegebra I students will need to know how to factor trinomials and difference of squares, find
properties of exponents, solve linear equations in different forms whether it be standard, slope-
interecept, point-slope, or slope of a line, as well as how to solve quadratic equations using the
standard, vertex, quadratic or axix of symmetry formulas. This particular grade needs to fully practice
solving problems involving how to apply variables and given numbers properly within formulas on the
reference sheet as well as apply algebraic reasoning along with critical thinking. This will be
extremely helpful in building their problem-solving confidence.

What Can Educators and Parents Do To Prep Learners for Problem-Solving and Critical Thinking Strategies for All Grade Levels?

Test-Prep Practices to Implement for Parents and Educators:

Problem-Solving Strategies & Ideas

  • Guided Practice Sessions:

    • Facilitate guided practice sessions where students can apply step-by-step problem-solving approaches.
    • Provide ample opportunities for students to practice breaking down complex problems into manageable steps.
  • Visual Aid Integration:

    • Encourage the use of visual aids during practice sessions to enhance understanding.
    • Provide resources and tools that support the use of diagrams and charts to solve problems.
Interactive Group Activities:
    • Organize interactive group activities that promote collaborative problem-solving.
    • Foster an environment where students can discuss problems, share strategies, and learn from one another.
Link to Previous Learning:
    • Emphasize the importance of recalling and applying previously learned concepts to solve current problems.
    • Reinforce the idea that building on prior knowledge is a valuable testing strategy.
    • Integrate discussion-based learning approaches to prompt critical thinking.
    • Encourage students to engage in discussions that involve asking and answering "why" and "how" questions related to test problems.

Critical Thinking Prompts & Ideas

  • Discussion-Based Learning:

    • Integrate discussion-based learning approaches to prompt critical thinking.
    • Encourage students to engage in discussions that involve asking and answering "why" and "how" questions related to test problems.
  • Exploration of Alternative Solutions:

    • Incorporate activities that challenge students to explore multiple solutions to a problem
    • Foster an environment that values diverse perspectives and solutions.
  • Predictive Thinking Exercises:

    • Introduce exercises that require students to make predictions and form hypotheses before encountering test questions.
    • Develop scenarios that stimulate forward-thinking and planning in test preparation.
  • Comparative Analysis Exercises:

    • Include exercises that prompt students to compare and contrast different elements of test problems.
    • Equip students with critical evaluation skills by encouraging them to identify patterns in various scenarios.

Real-World Application & Strategie

  • Contextual Test Practice:

    • Develop test practice materials that present problems in a real-world context.
    • Help students see the practical application of test-related concepts in everyday scenarios.
  • Application Beyond the Classroom:

    • Encourage discussions on how test-related knowledge can be applied beyond the classroom.
    • Emphasize the practical utility of the skills being tested in the STAAR exam.
  • Consideration of Test Conditions:

    • Guide students on considering test conditions and constraints during practice.
    • Discuss strategies for adapting problem-solving approaches based on the parameters of the test.
  • Career-Relevant Problem Solving:

    • Draw connections between test-related problem-solving skills and their relevance in various careers.
    • Illustrate how the skills tested in STAAR exams align with future educational and professional pursuits.

The biggest mistake educators make is cramming so much in such little time. In actuality, it's about utilizing the correct knowledge effectively during the test. Ultimately, the significance of familiarizing your child with the STAAR reference material is to provide the best prep strategies that are simplistic and not overwhelming for young learners. Remember, the reference material is a powerful tool, and knowing how to navigate it can significantly impact your child's ability to find solutions efficiently.

Parents, we hope this blog post has provided valuable insights into the essential math skills required for success in the Math STAAR test. Whether your child is mastering the basics of Math or Algebra, these skills are the building blocks of their mathematical journey. If you take a close look, each year, though there are new skills, many concepts are drilled and repeated to ensure understanding. Note, the STAAR reference material—it's not just a booklet; it's a guide that can lead your child through complex problems with confidence. Thank you for taking the time out to read this week's blog, and we wish your child the best of luck as they navigate confidently through their math problems after utilizing these tips to help them master the digital Math STAAR test!

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1. Texas Education Agency (n.d.). STAAR Mathematics Resources. TEA. Retrieved January 31, 2024, from

2. Texas Education Agency (n.d.). STAAR Resources. TEA. Retrieved January 31, 2024, from


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